

My Accidental Fitness Journey

Exercise and I were never friends. In fact, we didn’t even acknowledge each other until recently. Now, I work out five to six times a week and, shockingly, enjoy it. How did this happen? Let me take you back to…

Small Changes Big Impact: My Journey Toward Better Eating

Cutting board with fresh vegetables, including avocado, tomatoes, and onions, alongside a knife, ready for meal preparation.

Making significant lifestyle changes can feel overwhelming. That’s why I decided to take small steps toward better eating instead of diving into a complete overhaul. Small changes big impact. I’m not eating perfectly—not even close—but I’m eating better, and for…

The Reason I Started My Journey

Choosing to Live Fully There’s a difference between being alive and truly living. For years, I was stuck in survival mode—gaining weight, feeling exhausted, and dealing with an injured knee that made even basic movements painful. Then came the health…